Abstract Figuration for Intermediate to Advanced Artists 

April 16- May 28,2024

7 weeks, Tuesdays, 10am-12:30pm

Instructor: Mel Tychoneviech (they/them)

Abstract Figuration for Intermediate to Advance Artists is a workshop class that aims to combine traditional practices of perceptual realism with contemporary non-objective mark making techniques. Students will alternate between drawing/painting from observational imagery and imaginative abstraction. The resulting artwork will seek to create a hybrid visual language that acknowledges both representational and concrete painting. We will discuss the history of abstraction in art, as well as look at contemporary artists that work in abstracted realism in the contemporary art world – Alex Kanevsky, Ann Gale, Victor Wang, Jenny Saville. The class is appropriate for students with an established artistic background - who are seeking to push their artwork beyond the confines of a traditional artistic education. Projects will be personalized to each students’ personal interest – inspirational subject matter is open to anything representational (portraiture, figuration, landscape, etc). Students will need to bring their own reference images. 

See “Syllabus” for required supplies and course schedule!

$150 Members | $200 Non-Members

If you must cancel, please email (info@stlouisartistsguild.org) or call STLAG. A refund will be given only if cancellation occurs seven days prior to the first day of class. No exceptions. Refunds will be processed minus a $25 withdrawal fee per course registration.

St. Louis Artists Guild is committed to providing educational experiences to as many people as possible. We are pleased to offer sliding-scale scholarships to make classes and workshops more accessible to our community, adults & children. If you are interested in scholarship information please contact Kathryn Nahorski, Membership and Development Director, at knahorski@stlouisartistsguild.org

Abstract Figuration for Intermediate to Advanced Artists, April 16- May 28,2024
from $150.00
Membership Level:
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