Water-Mixable Oil Painting Studio

April 4- May 23, 2024

8 weeks, Thursdays, 10:00 am-12:30 pm

Instructor: Morris Fletcher

One Spot Left!

This oil painting studio is designed with both beginning and advanced students in mind. Artist and instructor Morris Fletcher will introduce beginner students to basic materials, compositional techniques, color theory, and brush strokes. Meanwhile, he will guide advanced students as they continue to develop their skills and define clear objectives for their work. The collaborative atmosphere will enhance learning by students of all ability levels as they complete two or more pieces over the course of the class. 

Only water-soluble oil paints and mediums will be allowed for use in the studio. “Traditional oil paint, mediums, and solvents” will not be used in the studio. Please see the syllabus below for a more detailed description of the topics covered in this course.

See Syllabus for Material List and information about the class.

Members: $170| Non-Members: $220

If you must cancel, please email (info@stlouisartistsguild.org) or call STLAG. A refund will be given only if cancellation occurs seven days prior to the first day of class. No exceptions. Refunds will be processed minus a $25 withdrawal fee per course registration.

St. Louis Artists Guild is committed to providing educational experiences to as many people as possible. We are pleased to offer sliding-scale scholarships to make classes and workshops more accessible to our community, adults & children. If you are interested in scholarship information please contact Kathryn Nahorski, Membership and Development Director, at knahorski@stlouisartistsguild.org